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Our team of expert forensic scientists and consulting engineers can advise, investigate, and assist at any stage of an incident, as well as provide ongoing support and guidance for the future. Our expertise covers a vast number of specialist areas including:


Geothermal power systems rely on the use of steam/hot water generated by the heat within the Earth’s crust and as such, the working media is significantly more aggressive than conventional steam systems. This results in more issues with corrosion and scale formation which affects the availability and utilisation of the power generation asset or heat exchanger unit.

Nature Recovery Project to Create Places for the Local Wildlife

In a bid to create a more inviting place for local wildlife, forensic experts, Andy Bryce, Gerald Deshais, Paul Willis, Tim Hodson, and Natasha Moore replanted the shrubbery outside our Bristol office. The replanting project was the brainchild of Andy, who was joined by the so-called Merlin House Gardening Club, to create a more welcoming habitat for birds, bees, and other small creatures.

Open Plan Office Acoustics (BS ISO 22955)

To that effect, BS ISO 22955:2021 “Acoustics – Acoustic quality of open office spaces” aims to give guidance in the design and construction of open office space for acoustics and its cognitive effects.

The Biggest Threat? The Insider Threat

The article delves into the escalating threat of insider breaches, wherein individuals with legitimate access to a company’s resources intentionally or inadvertently cause harm.

Hawkins Webinars: The Materials Series

In our latest series of webinars, our materials experts will be presenting on topics ranging from sprinkler systems to aeroderivative gas turbines. Find out more about each webinar below and click the button to register. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Failures Encountered in Aeroderivative Gas Turbines Presented by Stephen Rowbotham Thursday 3rd August 2023 at 9.30am BST Aeroderivative gas turbines provide