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Hawkins Welcomes Guests to its Annual London Drinks Reception

Built Environment / Cyber, Digital & Technology / Engineering / Fire & Explosions / Marine / Materials, Chemistry & Biology / Personal Injury / Power & Energy / Road Traffic Collisions
News image to advertise Hawkins' recent London Drinks Reception

Andrew Reeves

Marketing Director

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Sidney Chan

Principal Associate

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Hugh Martindale

Senior Associate

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Bernard Travers

Principal Associate

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Eleanor Jay

Principal Associate

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Richard Baker

Senior Associate

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It was a pleasure to return to the Science Gallery in London to welcome guests for our annual London drinks reception earlier this month.

Marketing Director and Chartered Civil Engineer, Andrew Reeves opened the evening with an overview of the recent changes in the business including:

The evening began with a CPD presentation in the auditorium, which took a deep dive into a major and complex loss incident, highlighting the unexpected twists and turns that such investigations can take. It encompassed a personal injury following a structural collapse on a construction site, leading to further unforeseen consequences. Presenters included Hawkins experts, Bernard Travers, Dr Eleanor Jay, Richard Baker and Callum Hogan, alongside guest speakers Chris Boggis of Woodgate & Clark, and Barrister & Mediator, Catherine Peck of 12 King’s Bench Walk.

Image of Nametags at Hawkins' London Event

Guests were then invited upstairs to the studio and balcony with views of the Shard for drinks and canapes, giving the opportunity to meet our investigators, and examine exhibits from real Hawkins’ cases. The exhibits included a VR headset which offered a virtual tour of a fire scene, illustrating how Hawkins uses drones and photogrammetry in our investigations.

We would like to thank all of our guests who attended the event. Details of all of our upcoming events can be found on the website.

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