If You Cannot Confirm The Provenance, How Do You Expect Me To Provide Expert Testimony?

When conducting criminal investigations, the chain of custody was very clear on all my cases. In civil accident investigation cases, establishing the provenance was critical.
Full Numerical Analysis Part 3: Application to the Forensic Investigation of Geotechnical Incidents

With the rapid advancement of computer technology, full numerical modelling is now routinely carried out in geotechnical engineering.
Full Numerical Analysis Part 2: Application to Forensic Investigation

With the rapid advancement of computer technology, full numerical modelling is now routinely carried out in geotechnical engineering. However, producing a full numerical model is not straightforward; if the numerical analysis is not applied correctly, the output can lead to defective design and ensuing failure.
Investigations Into Steel Structure Failures Part II: Case Studies

Hawkins has investigated many cases involving failures of steel structures. Our knowledgeable and experienced team of forensic investigators can establish the cause of a failure by either a detailed desktop study or site investigation, in addition to reviewing the relevant documentation and carrying out numerical back-analysis.
High Water and the High Court: Hawkins Evidence Helps with Flood Claim

Weightmans solicitors instructed Mr Richard Keightley of Hawkins to investigate the extent and cause of the flood risk to the Claimants’ property, on behalf of Warwickshire County Council’s insurer. The case was heard in a six day trial at the Technology and Construction division of the High Court in November 2019.
Investigations Into Ground Related Failures Part 3 – Construction Stage Issues

The Hawkins Civil Engineering team has found that many failures are caused by errors at the construction/installation stage.
Pit Happens!

A large five-star hotel and conference centre began experiencing what started out initially as relatively minor escapes of water, which were dealt with easily by the hotel’s in‑house maintenance team.
Calcium Oxide and its Exothermic Reactions

Some unusual aspects that caused an exothermic reaction, and relate to the use of calcium oxide (also known as quicklime), as an animal-friendly sanitization product.
Investigations into Ground Related Failures Part 2 – Design Stage Issues

Civil engineering and building failures are often caused by geotechnical issues and these can be grouped by the different stages of the project: ground investigation, design, and construction, often with a combination of interacting issues.
Investigations Into Ground Related Failures Part 1 – Ground Investigation Issues

The importance of a good desk study is exemplified by this case where a sinkhole opened up in the grounds of a school.