Body Protection for the Motorcycle & Bicycle Rider

Forensic Investigator, John Camplin provides a review of the expected performance of helmets, boots and clothing during road traffic collisions. He will also discuss what we can establish about the benefit of protective equipment from post-collision evidence.
IIS – Burning Questions CPD Event Featuring Hawkins Forensic Investigators

All CII members and their guests are invited to this event hosted by Insurance Institute of Sussex, Hawkins will be presenting ‘Burning Questions’, a CPD Panel Discussion of an immersive timeline of a multi-disciplinary fire investigation, from origin to recovery.
The Hawkins Dublin Launch Reception

Hawkins are delighted to invite clients and colleagues to our Drinks Reception celebrating the launch of our Dublin office. The reception will be held at Lennan’s Yard on Thursday, June 6th 2024 from 5:00 pm.
Hawkins Belfast Drinks Reception

Hawkins would like to invite clients and colleagues to our Summer Reception in Belfast. We will be hosting a panel presentations followed by a networking reception with drinks, canapes and exhibits.
Is Slope Failure During Heavy Rainfall a Natural Disaster?

Shimin discusses the special design considerations for slopes that are subject to heavy rainfall and climate change, taking a look at design methodology and good practices for slope protection.
Fire Safety Pitfalls Arising From Modern Methods of Construction

Fire Engineer, Tom Dale, summarises the advantages of modern methods of building construction, but also some of the fire safety issues associated with them such as, poor final onsite installation, usage of combustible materials and plasterboard reliability.
Building Services: Hidden in Every Corner

Building Services Engineer, David Edwards, will be exploring the world of building services, from the obvious such as lighting and heating, to the more unusual systems he has worked with.
Flood Risk Mismanagement: Why New Developments Flood

Flood damage to new developments should be a ‘red flag’ for policy coverage issues or subrogation. Hydrologist, Richard Keightley, discusses relevant planning policies to highlight where things can go wrong.
Scaffolding: Design, Construction & Common Problems

Civil Engineer, Hannah Fletcher, takes a look at the requirements for scaffolding design, construction, and management, including a review of the common problems and failures.
Blowin’ in the Wind: Making Understanding Wind & Storm Damage a Breeze

Civil Engineer, Bernard Travers, delves into building failures during storms discussing factors such as wind speed, funnelling effects, and the impact of named storms.