Bristol Series – Finding Evidence of Fraud & Deliberate Fire Setting

Russell will cover the identification of physical evidence that identifies fires as being started deliberately, alongside evidence that identifies where fires and other peril claims are potentially fraudulent.
Bristol Series – Corrosion in the Power Industry

Giuseppe will focus on two widespread corrosion mechanisms that routinely lead to large BI claims in the power industry: Corrosion Under Insulation, and Microbiologically Induced Corrosion. He will discuss what causes these degradation mechanisms, as well as how to recognise and prevent them.
Bristol Series – Investigating Fires Involving Biomass Boilers

Camilla discusses what biomass boilers are, how they work, and how they can cause fires.
Domestic Heating Oil: Where, Why & How it Escapes

Patrick will look at the various ways in which domestic heating oil can escape into the environment and what should be done to prevent these leaks.
Bristol Series – Push-fit Fittings & Statistical Analysis

Gerald will discuss examples where Hawkins has investigated escapes of water caused by a fault in a push-fit fitting, and how laboratory inspection can be conducted to generate data that allows us to compare the characteristics of exhibit and exemplar fittings.
Bristol Series – Hybrid Concrete Frame Design

Tim will provide an introduction into hybrid concrete construction (HCC). HCC combines precast and insitu concrete to maximise the benefit of both forms of concrete construction.
Bristol Series – Chariots on Fire: Common Causes of Vehicle Fires

Luke will be discussing vehicle fires which involve combustible fluids and materials, as well as other causes such as mechanical failure, electrical faults and frictional heating.
The Forensic Examination of Photovoltaic Systems and Lithium Batteries

Join us as experts from Hawkins explain the basics of photovoltaic installations and lithium batteries, the electrical safety risks of fires scenes involving them, and typical faults/damage which can lead to fires or other failures.
Materials Series – The Effects of Hydrogen on Materials Properties

Lin introduces the basic characteristics of hydrogen, the current trend for its applications, its effects on materials, and some recent examples of materials failures in the context of insurance claims.
Materials Series – Fibre Reinforced Composite Pipes & Tanks

Amir explains what a fibre reinforced composite is, where they are used, and some of the methods for manufacturing pipes and tanks made from composites.