Noise & Vibration: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Loudspeaker on a cracked white wall

Ros addresses the many issues that can arise through not considering acoustics, noise and vibration. This covers building failures, nuisance and personal injuries, including specific examples of what issues can arise and how expensive or problematic they can be to resolve.

Bristol Series – Corrosion in the Power Industry

Corrosion at a power plant

Giuseppe will focus on two widespread corrosion mechanisms that routinely lead to large BI claims in the power industry: Corrosion Under Insulation, and Microbiologically Induced Corrosion. He will discuss what causes these degradation mechanisms, as well as how to recognise and prevent them.

Bristol Series – Push-fit Fittings & Statistical Analysis

Push-fit Fitting Escape of Water

Gerald will discuss examples where Hawkins has investigated escapes of water caused by a fault in a push-fit fitting, and how laboratory inspection can be conducted to generate data that allows us to compare the characteristics of exhibit and exemplar fittings.