
Found 95 Results

  • 04.05.2023 

International Series – The Perennial Problem of Bulk Cargo Liquefaction

This webinar will discuss the questions: What is liquefaction? Which cargoes pose a risk when carried? And how can that risk be mitigated?

  • 20.04.2023 

International Series – Escape of Water: Really a Materials Problem?

This webinar will look at how the fault is often placed on a defective component when an escape of water occurs, and how Hawkins investigates other potential causes to identify the real issue.

  • 19.04.2023 

The Duties of an Architect – What Are They and Where Can Things Go Wrong?

Ms Niralee Casson, will discuss the role of the architect in construction projects. Topics covered will include: an insight into the duties owed by an architect, including those involving contract administration

  • 06.04.2023 

International Series – Water Damage in Buildings

This webinar will discuss the issues and impact during construction and post-occupancy, and how moisture in building materials and the local environment can impact the fabric of buildings in hot climates.

  • 30.03.2023 

Glasgow series – The use of drones to inspect fire-damaged buildings

The use of drones in fire inspections: Overcoming the challenges of restricted access and assist in the production of comprehensive visual reports


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