Hawkins Road Traffic Collision Webinars

RTC Webinars Series Image

From July to September, join our road traffic collision experts as they present Hawkins’ latest series of webinars. Topics include Vehicle Crashworthiness, Video Analysis in Collision Reconstruction, and Body Protection for Motorcycle & Bicycle Riders.

ADAS: How do They Respond in a Collision?

Autonomous self-driving vehicles on road

Mechanical Engineer, Robert Taylor provides an overview of the different types of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (‘ADAS’) and what the systems might have done in the event of a collision. He takes time to answer questions such as “What does the data tell us?” and “What can be determined from published literature and test results?”

Video Analysis in Collision Reconstruction

CCTV camera recording a road accident

Mechanical Engineer, Richard Baker provides an overview of the merits of video evidence and analysis in collision reconstruction, such as Position and Time Estimation, and Authentication and Verification.

Introduction to Computer Vision and the Role it Plays in Forensic Investigations

Laptop screen showing all sorts of data

Advancements in digital media offer vast data for analysis but pose challenges. Computers excel in processing large data volumes, surpassing human limitations. Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computer Vision (CV) techniques like Optical Flow Tracking, Pose Estimation, and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) bridges this gap. Hawkins leverages CV for objective analysis, enhancing investigations in personal injuries, collisions, and structural failures.

The Hawkins Dublin Launch Reception

Lennan's Yard, Dublin

Hawkins are delighted to invite clients and colleagues to our Drinks Reception celebrating the launch of our Dublin office. The reception will be held at Lennan’s Yard on Thursday, June 6th 2024 from 5:00 pm.

Hawkins Belfast Drinks Reception

The Merchant Hotel, Belfast

Hawkins would like to invite clients and colleagues to our Summer Reception in Belfast. We will be hosting a panel presentations followed by a networking reception with drinks, canapes and exhibits.

Hawkins Spring Drinks Reception

The Whitworth Art Gallery Manchester

Hawkins would like to invite clients and colleagues to our Spring Reception in Manchester. We will be hosting several short CPD presentations followed by a networking reception with drinks and canapes.