Lithium-ion Batteries

Burnt Out Lithium-ion Batteries

Hawkins’ forensic expert and Singapore Regional Director, Dr David Rose will be presenting an online educational seminar discussing risks associated with Lithium-ion batteries from a forensic investigation perspective, including a number of case studies.

Hawkins Winter Events Round-Up

Hawkins Winter Events Round Up news Image

Hawkins attended over 70 different conferences, seminars and social gatherings, we welcomed 17 new experts to the business, and we hosted our annual winter receptions in London, Dubai, Singapore, and Hong Kong, allowing us to spend time with clients in person.

Jessica Ng Featured in Marine Insurance Journal

Grabber in a marine ship with cargo which has liquified

Jessica’s article titled: Cargo Liquefaction – Mitigating the Risk, explains the risk and impact of cargo liquefaction, and the legislation in place for storage, loading and transportation of cargo to mitigate these risks.

Hawkins Webinars: The International Series

For our second series of webinars in 2023, our Dubai, Hong Kong and Singapore offices have teamed up to create a series covering some of Hawkins’ expertise in the built environment, and marine sectors as well as topics involving fires and escapes of water. Read a summary of each webinar and register below. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Moisture Issues in Buildings Presented by Austen Smith Thursday 6th April 2023 at 9.00am BST Austen will cover the issues and impact during construction and post-occupancy, and how moisture in building materials and the local environment can impact the fabric of buildings in hot climates. Escape of Water: Really a Materials Problem? Presented by Chun Chan Thursday 20th April 2023 at 9.00am BST Chun will discuss how the fault is often placed on a defective component when an escape of water occurs, and how Hawkins investigates other potential causes to identify the real issue. The Perennial Problem of Bulk Cargo Liquefaction Presented by Nico Zurcher Thursday 4th May 2023 at 9.00am BST Nico’s presentation will answer the following questions:   What is liquefaction? Which cargoes pose a risk when carried? How can that risk be mitigated? Should a Building be Demolished Following a […]

Stewart Horan

Stewart Horan Profile Image

Stewart joined Hawkins as a Marine Consultant in 2023 having previously worked for another consultancy since 1999. During this period, he attended incidents and provided advice on a wide range of marine matters involving liquid and bulk cargoes, bunkers, container vessels, oil and chemical tankers, and bulk carriers.

Hawkins Welcomes Marine Consultant Captain Stewart Horan

We are delighted to welcome Captain Stewart Horan, who will be joining our Marine team in our Singapore Office. With a background as a port captain and a maritime lawyer, Stewart provides the team with additional capabilities in investigating both onshore and offshore incidents.