Ice, Ice Baby

Winter sees a seasonal increase in escapes of water in both domestic and commercial properties due to the freezing of water pipes. The UK Water Regulations state that “All cold water fittings located within the building, but outside the thermal envelope, or those outside the building must be protected against damage by freezing”.

Failures of Plastic Welded Pipes

Failures of Plastic Welded Pipes

Plastic welding is a technique that many people seem to misunderstand. To the casual observer, it seems to be quite simple; you heat a plastic surface until it softens, push it against another plastic surface, and wait for the bond to cool. Job done? Not quite. There are many different plastic welding techniques, and each has its own intricacies, features and details that must be considered and understood, if the welding is to be done successfully.

Hawkins’ Easter Eggsperiments #3: Egg-splosion

An exploding egg-speriment. Don’t try this at home! Our team includes chemists and forensic engineers who are highly trained and skilled in dealing with flammable items and the necessary safety precautions.

Looking into Glazing Failures

Looking into Glazing Failures: Glass isn’t traditionally seen as structural. Glazing failures can stem from construction, damage, or design flaws.