Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Pipework: The Problems

CPVC is a type of thermoplastic that was introduced for potable plumbing in 1959 and is now also extensively used in fire suppression systems.
As Bold As Brass

As Bold As Brass: Brasses have been used for many thousands of years and can be used for decorative structures or, more recently, for architectural uses and for plumbing applications.
An Analysis of Failed Biomaterials

An Analysis of Failed Biomaterials: Biomaterials replace bone or heart valves. Types include polymers, ceramics, stainless steels, and titanium alloys.
Contamination: An Interruption That Means Business

Even a small fire can cause smoke contamination throughout a much larger area, including as the result of spread through sealed doors in some circumstances. Water damage related to fire-fighting activities can also cause mould to contaminate and damage stock as well as the building structure. Hawkins has investigated many fires from small to large scale incidents, which have started in one building and spread to affect neighbouring businesses.
Pit Happens!

A large five-star hotel and conference centre began experiencing what started out initially as relatively minor escapes of water, which were dealt with easily by the hotel’s in‑house maintenance team.
Flexible Braided Hoses: Down to the Wire

Flexible braided stainless steel hoses (flexihoses) are generally used for the connection of taps and WC cisterns to the incoming water supply. The flexible nature of the hoses means that they provide an easily made connection, making them popular with the DIY market.

Cargo liquefaction may occur if the material properties of ores or other bulk cargoes are not investigated sufficiently prior to loading, or the IMSBC requirements are not met.
Stainless Steels

Iron is one of the most common and important metals on earth and forms the basis of the most widely used group of metallic materials, steels. Steels can be manufactured cheaply, in large volumes, and provide a range of useful mechanical properties; hardness, strength, ease of machinability, heat resistance, corrosion resistance etc. The properties of steel can be altered by the addition or removal of chemical elements or by heat treatment. Hence, the performance and longevity of steel components often relies on correct property specification and manufacture. If, for instance, a steel application requires exemplary corrosion resistance, but the steel has been incorrectly manufactured or specified, the component will be unlikely to perform effectively and may fail prematurely.
The Cost of Stress Corrosion Cracking

Broad estimates put the cost of corrosion to 1 to 4 % of GNP in the USA. Whilst an accurate figure would be elusive to even the most rigorous rational, it is fair to say that repairing the consequences of corrosion is a costly business. Brass and austenitic stainless steel are widely used in engineering applications to convey liquids, such as water, or for pressurised applications, such as heat exchangers, steam generating equipment and pipework. As such, stress corrosion cracking can result in catastrophic, and costly, failures of this equipment.
Losses In Power Generation Equipment – Seeing Past the Smoke & Mirrors

The power generation market is complex and frequently changing. There is a wide variety of generating assets ranging from very traditional (steam turbines powered by burning coal), similar turbines powered by nuclear reactors, gas turbines that directly drive generators and may also provide their waste heat to boilers (to drive a steam turbine), reciprocating (piston) engines, hydro turbines, through to more recent (and immature) technologies such as wind turbines and solar (usually in the form of photovoltaics, known as ‘PV’ or ‘solar panels’).