Hawkins Webinars: The Materials Series

Learn from Hawkins’ on failures in gas turbines, the effects of hydrogen on materials, spontaneous glass fractures, common leak causes and more.
Materials Series – Sprinkler Systems and the Potential Problems

A review of sprinkler pipework including, commissioning processes, material compatibility and what can go wrong.
Materials Series – Inclusion Conclusion

Glass is often thermally toughened, and whilst this imparts strength it can also leave it vulnerable to fracture by debris from manufacture; inclusions. Elly will discuss types of glass and the manner in which they fracture.
Materials Series – Failures Encountered in Aeroderivative Gas Turbines

Stephen gives insight into what an aero-derivative is, as well as their benefits and disadvantages. He also discusses RCA methodology
and damage mechanisms encountered.
Stephen Rowbotham

Stephen is enthusiastic about providing solutions to issues faced by clients in the changing business environment and the goal of achieving net zero power generation.
Hawkins Welcomes Materials Expert Stephen Rowbotham

Hawkins would like to extend a warm welcome to materials expert, Stephen Rowbotham.
Amir Hajdaei

Amir is an experienced materials engineering with experience in dealing with wide range of material such as metals and ceramics and in depth knowledge of fibre reinforced composites and polymers.
Materials Expert Dr Philippa Moore Under the Spotlight

We recently interviewed Philippa to get an insight as to what is needed to be a forensic investigator and what she enjoys most about the role.
If You Cannot Confirm The Provenance, How Do You Expect Me To Provide Expert Testimony?

When conducting criminal investigations, the chain of custody was very clear on all my cases. In civil accident investigation cases, establishing the provenance was critical.
Materials Expert Dr Chun Chan Under the Spotlight

Dr Chun Chan discusses what it’s like to be a forensic investigator, what he enjoys most about his role and the more challenging aspects.