Margaret qualified as an Architect in November 1995 and has worked for several AJ100 architecture practices, most notably joining EPR Architects Limited in 1997, and becoming a company director in 2005.

In 2010, Margaret joined Tindall Riley & Co as one of the team managing the Wren Insurance Association (Wren) on behalf of its member practices where she was appointed Director of Risk Management before joining Hawkins.

As a Wren Manager, Margaret was responsible for giving both general risk management, and detailed project-specific liability advice to Wren members in relation to their professional indemnity insurance, and in the avoidance of claims. She also advised those acting as contract administrator, as well as those providing retained monitoring services for the employer when novated to the contractor.

Margaret has first-hand experience of traditional, design and build procurement with novation, and worked on a range of projects including hotels, offices, residential, shopping centres and schools.

As well as identifying risks that affect architects and the wider construction industry, Margaret authored guidance on a range of topics that included:

With the introduction of the Building Safety Act 2022, she has advised on the potential implications of the Building (Appointment of Persons, Industry Competence and Dutyholders) Regulations and PAS 8671.

As a member of the RIBA Professional Services Contract (PSC) Editorial Group, Margaret has detailed knowledge of the RIBA PSCs and architects’ services.

Margaret joined Hawkins in June 2023 as a Senior Associate in the London office.


BA (Hons) Architecture and environmental design (RIBA Part I) University of Nottingham
BArch Architecture (RIBA Part II) University of Liverpool
Professional Practice in Architecture (RIBA III) Southbank University

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“The claim has been settled with heavy reliance on your report. I hope you will be willing to accept future instructions”

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