Prior to becoming an investigator, Nico worked in a international environmental consultancy where he was involved in a number of major government marine projects in Hong Kong, as well as oil and gas, and mining projects around Asia. In 2011 he joined HFS-Asia in Hong Kong, where he worked as a fire investigator and consulting scientist. In 2015, Nico moved to London where he joined Hawkins to bolster our growing International and Shipping Incidents team. He continued investigating a broad range of land-based and marine incidents, both in the UK and internationally. He was also a member of our contamination team, taking on cases in the UK and Europe. Hawkins acquired HFS-Asia in 2016 and in 2020 Nico returned to Hong Kong to head the office he helped to build several years earlier.

Nico has investigated several fires in large industrial plants, as well as in commercial and residential premises. On the marine side, he has investigated major fires on container and general cargo vessels. He has worked on numerous cases of bulk cargo spoilage, involving grains, oil seeds and seedcake. Nico has also worked on cases involving the carriage and storage of mixed chemical cargoes, and the contamination of liquid bulk cargoes. While continuing to work in these areas, he is also developing our offering in the Environmental sector. Nico has provided technical advice notes and given presentations on loss prevention to law firms, P&I clubs and loss adjusters. He has prepared expert witness reports for use in civil litigation and has appeared in court in Thailand and in arbitration in London.

Nico is Swiss and grew up in Hong Kong. He is the Regional Director of Hawkins’ Hong Kong Office.


Nico is proficient in English and German


MSc Environmental Management

BSc Biology with Oceanography

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