Sophie is a Chartered Engineer (CEng) and a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining (MIMMM). She received her BEng and PhD (Eng) from Queen Mary College, University of London in Materials Science & Engineering.

After a post-doctoral research post at Queen Mary’s, she joined LGC Forensics, UK, as a Forensic Chemist, specialising in the examination of textile fibres and polyurethane foam retrieved from crime scenes. During this time, Sophie analysed trace evidence, prepared detailed technical reports for court and presented evidence in court as a Court Reporting Officer.

Following her arrival in Hong Kong, Sophie worked as a Research Fellow at City University, Kowloon Tong, developing techniques for analysing trace material evidence in crime laboratories.

In 2012, Sophie joined Hawkins’ Hong Kong Office, and has since provided expertise in materials failure analysis and corrosion incidents in both the marine and land-based sectors. As a materials engineer, Sophie has conducted investigations involving the failure/corrosion of glass, ceramic, plastic and metal, and is particularly experienced at investigating lift and wire rope failures and criminal work involving trace evidence. On the marine side, Sophie is highly competent at conducting investigations involving the failure of marine coating, the liquefaction of Group A cargoes and their associated laboratory testing, as well as incidents involving cargo and hull damage. In addition to her casework, Sophie regularly presents to law firms, P&I Clubs and loss adjusting companies on materials failure analysis, corrosion, and cargo/liquefaction matters. Sophie has provided testimony as an expert witness in Hong Kong, Singapore, and the UK.

Sophie relocated to Hawkins’ London Office in 2019 and is a Principal Associate. She is available 24/7 to discuss any urgent matters.


BEng (Hons) Biomedical Materials Science & Engineering – Queen Mary College
PhD (Eng) Materials Science & Engineering – Queen Mary College, University of London
Chartered Engineer (CEng) awarded by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
MFSSoc Member of the Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences
FIMMM Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

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