Boilers and Heat Recovery Steam Generators

Boilers, crucial for generating power, come in various sizes and encounter challenges such as water control issues and corrosion, which can cause failures. Regular inspections of boiler tubes are essential as replacing them is time-consuming and transitioning to renewable fuels like wood presents challenges, including fireside corrosion due to aggressive flue gases.

Our experts are qualified engineers and scientists, familiar with domestic and industrial products and systems, used to store, heat, and distribute water. We also have detailed knowledge of installation methods, servicing regimes and relevant guidance and standards, such as The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 (the legal requirements for the design, installation, operation and maintenance of plumbing systems, water fittings and water-using appliances).

If you are dealing with a leak and want to know what has caused it and how to prevent the same thing happening again in the future, you need a forensic investigator. Hawkins can provide an expert who is familiar with all aspects of a case and can offer clarity and answers to your questions.


We have the technical knowledge and experience to tell you why an escape of water, oil or gas occurred, not just what caused it.
  • We have an in-depth knowledge of the regulations and guidance that should be followed by competent installers during installation work (such as The Building Regulations, WRAS guidance, or OFTEC guidance).
  • We review working practices and installations to identify areas at high risk of a fault.
  • We offer guidance and/or help you define and develop good working procedures and practices to reduce the risk of incidents occurring.
  • We provide you with the answers you need to determine why an incident occurred and so assist in repudiation / cover decisions and fraud identification.
  • Our experts are knowledgeable in a wide range of areas and can investigate all aspects of an escape of fluid case, meaning that you will probably only need to instruct one expert, rather than several.
  • We have laboratories and equipment designed specifically to investigate escapes of fluid.
  • We will help you to determine if an incident could have been avoided.
  • We support subrogation/recovery efforts.
  • We help you to make decisions regarding where legal responsibilities/liabilities lie.
  • We help you to defend wrongful claims.
  • We produce reports suitable for Court and litigation.
  • We provide consultancy advice to prevent similar events happening again in the future.
  • If removing a risk entirely is unavoidable, we advise on steps to take to mitigate the risk and reduce the potential damage resulting from an incident.
  • We advise on servicing, maintenance and repair regimes.

Examples of Typical cases

If you would like to know if we can help, please fill out our enquiry form or give us a call for a free consultation. The list below provides a few examples of cases which we investigate regularly or have investigated in the past.




We like to speak to you before we conduct any work, to establish how we can add value to the case. These discussions help us to understand your requirements, as well as determining how much information is already available, including for example, service records, first-hand witness accounts, photographs, and videos. We are also happy to provide you with an estimate of the cost of conducting a forensic investigation.



If required and with your agreement, we will arrange to visit the scene to inspect the system. Wherever possible, we will retain faulty parts for examination in our laboratory, where we use a range of equipment, tools, and tests to determine the cause of the escape of fluid. This could include microscope examinations, recreating an installation in a controlled environment, or testing exemplar joints and fittings to destruction at high pressures.



Once our examination is complete, we will discuss our findings with you and prepare a report containing a detailed account of our investigation, conclusions, and where appropriate, further work or advice.
Case Study

Just a frozen pipe…

After a period of sub-zero temperatures, a house was flooded whilst the occupants were away for a week, and this resulted in damage to the contents, including several valuable antique paintings and pieces of artwork.

Hawkins was asked to investigate, and the water leak was traced to a burst copper pipe in the loft. This might have been considered a standard incident resulting from an extreme weather event. However, the homeowner was certain that the heating had been left operational and there had not been any changes to the plumbing work for several years, nor any problems with burst pipes in the past. Whilst this information alone did not rule out a typical frozen pipe case caused by extreme weather; it did raise additional questions.

Instead of writing the case off as caused by ‘just’ a frozen pipe, Hawkins carried out a full site inspection and discovered that the boiler would cut out intermittently, leaving the house without any heating.
The boiler had been serviced 6 months before the incident occurred, initially suggesting a possible third-party fault by the servicing company. However, further research and investigative work by Hawkins found that the boiler fault was the result of a manufacturer known issue with the wireless thermostat and controller, which prevented the boiler from firing when required. The servicing company would not have been aware of this issue (and could not have necessarily prevented it), as the manufacturer had not publicised the problem.

With the help of a full technical report outlining the cause of the boiler fault and whether the fault would have been obvious to a boiler service technician (which it would not have been), the client was able to make a full recovery from the manufacturer of the control system in relation to the loss.


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