Transformers & Electrical Systems

The electrical systems are the life blood of most industrial processes. In power generation facilities, the busbars and cables take the power from the generators, via transformers and switchgear, and into the national and international transmission and distribution systems.

The impact of lost generation from the main transformer or switchgear on a site can lead to large repair costs, and lost generation or business interruption costs stretching into many millions.

Electrical equipment can have large amounts of power flowing through their conductors, but in the event of a fault, can have the potential to draw enormous amounts of energy from the grid systems. For example transformers have the potential to explode, igniting their insulating oil and causing extensive fires.

Switchgear in some instances will not have sufficient barriers in place to prevent the fault energy from being contained within the equipment (known as an arc flash) and again, providing a risk to personnel.

An important part of safely running electrical systems relies on the correct design of the equipment, based on fault analysis, and the correct electrical protection systems being installed and maintained.


Our team of experts have both the expertise and practical experience to impart the best practice guidance in this sector to reduce the risk of failure.

If a failure does occur, Hawkins can assist you in identifying the root cause of the issue and support you in returning the asset to service as quickly as possible.

  • We have decades of experience working as operators of power plants or providing expert advice to them, from new build, operation, life extension to end of life.
  • Our experts have decades of experience on working with transformers, cables, switchgear, tap changers and all other electrical equipment.
  • We are able to carry out reviews of system fault levels, protection studies and arc flash assessments.
    We can analyse the high speed data recorded by protection systems following a fault.
  • We can advise on international best practice for the operation and maintenance of electrical systems.
  • Support with analysis of condition monitoring and test results including reviewing transformer oil analysis.
  • Our experts are well versed in all areas of electrical systems and have carried out failure analysis on all types of electrical equipment in various industrial settings.
  • We have a deep understanding of international best practice for electrical plant operation and maintenance.
  • We can support subrogation / recovery efforts.
  • Can help you make decisions regarding where legal responsibilities and liabilities lie.
  • We have provided court reports and given evidence in international court cases.
  • We provide consultancy advice to prevent similar events.
  • We can support the repair and restoration of electrical equipment. Suggesting repairs and service providers.
Electric power transmission lines, High voltage power transformer substation

Examples of Typical cases

The list below provides a few examples of the types of issues that we can investigate:

If you would like to discuss how we can assist you please fill out our enquiry form or call us for a free consultation. 




On receipt of the enquiry, we discuss with the instructing party what happened, and when it happened and request a suite of data covering the operation and maintenance of the asset during its operating life. This collected data may include video coverage showing the operating conditions in the plant, before and during the event. We may also interview personnel present at the time of the event to get an insight into the timeline of events before, during and after the event.



Following collection of all the data and completion of the consultation, Hawkins engineers will travel to the site or repair shop to inspect the asset.  This will enable us to assess the extent of the damage, and identify the source of the failure. This step can be completed on-site, or may require samples to be removed and examined in one of our laboratories.



On completion of the inspection, a detailed report will be issued summarising the work completed and the findings of the investigation. This can include advice on operational and inspection changes to implement to minimise future events if relevant.


Related areas of expertise

Power & Energy

Hawkins' power experts have experience of forensically investigating losses worldwide on a wide range of power generation equipment from traditional thermal and nuclear power plants through to wind, hydro and solar generation as well as emerging technologies such as battery and flywheel installations.

Electrical Engineering

With the prevalence of electrical and electronic devices in the modern world there is considerable scope for failures to occur. These can range from the failure of a single electronic component to failure of multi-megawatt power plants.

Hydro Power

Hydro power generation was the first green renewable energy and battery storage facility. Hawkins forensic investigators have completed numerous investigation into hydro power plant failures.


Geothermal power systems rely on the use of steam/hot water generated by the heat within the Earth’s crust and as such, the working media is significantly more aggressive than conventional steam systems. This results in more issues with corrosion and scale formation which affects the availability and utilisation of the power generation asset or heat exchanger unit.

Related Insights

The subject of high-speed balancing generator rotors can be contentious, and the practice varies across the world. In Europe, with relatively easy access to high-speed test facilities, the default position is generally to carry out the testing. However, in Southeast Asia, Africa and South America, where there are fewer (if any) facilities, a risk-based approach is taken more often; this approach does not include high-speed testing
The process of turning mechanical energy into electrical power is pretty fascinating. You may remember turning a magnet near a coil and seeing a light bulb illuminate at school? In practice, power generation in the real world is fairly similar; an electromagnet is spun by a turbine (through wind, water, steam or a combustion engine) and power is produced. In practice, this electro-magnet may be over 100 tonnes, spinning at 3000 times a minute within a stationary coil weighing hundreds of tonnes. The largest generators being manufactured at the moment are rated in excess of 1.5 GW (gigawatts, or billion watts – enough to power three million UK homes). Whether being driven by wind, water steam or gas turbines, all generators are made of the same parts.
The power generation market is complex and frequently changing. There is a wide variety of generating assets ranging from very traditional (steam turbines powered by burning coal), similar turbines powered by nuclear reactors, gas turbines that directly drive generators and may also provide their waste heat to boilers (to drive a steam turbine), reciprocating (piston) engines, hydro turbines, through to more recent (and immature) technologies such as wind turbines and solar (usually in the form of photovoltaics, known as ‘PV’ or ‘solar panels’).