The Biggest Threat? The Insider Threat

Manager Identifying Potential Insider Threat

The article delves into the escalating threat of insider breaches, wherein individuals with legitimate access to a company’s resources intentionally or inadvertently cause harm.

Do You Need to High Speed Test Generator Rotors?

The subject of high-speed balancing generator rotors can be contentious, and the practice varies across the world. In Europe, with relatively easy access to high-speed test facilities, the default position is generally to carry out the testing. However, in Southeast Asia, Africa and South America, where there are fewer (if any) facilities, a risk-based approach is taken more often; this approach does not include high-speed testing

Using Wheelchairs As Vehicle Seats

A man in a wheelchair moves to the lift of a specialized vehicle for people with disabilities

We discuss the regulatory requirements when using a wheelchair as a vehicle seat, together with some of the technical factors involved in the event of a collision.

Forensic Investigation of Acoustic Shock

Image of speaker surrounded by broken glass having shattered through noise and vibration exposure

The field of acoustics and noise has become aware of a different type of injury – one in which the injured party need only be exposed to noise on one occasion and is termed ‘acoustic shock’.

Understanding E-scooters – the Risks and the Law

E-scooters are now a common sight in the UK, particularly around cities and urban areas. A convenient micro-mobility solution, a scourge on the roads, or something in-between – opinions on their place in the transport hierarchy varies.

What Is Water Hammer And What Causes It?

Water hammer is a phenomenon that most people have encountered at some point or another, although they may not have been aware of it. Sometimes referred to as pressure surges or transient flow, water hammer occurs due to sudden changes in the flow and pressure within a plumbing system.

Betterment – No Free Lunch


Betterment is considered to be a repair which results in something, for example, a property, being improved beyond the condition in which it was before it was damaged. Simply put, it is unjust enrichment.