Crashworthiness: The Science of Collision Protection

Vehicle crashworthiness is the concept of protecting the occupants in the event of a collision. This covers all aspects of safety, from the vehicle’s ability to deform and absorb energy whilst maintaining the integrity of its occupant compartment, to the restraint systems used to help manage occupant movements.

What is a Forensic Architect and Why Might I Need One?

The definition of a forensic architect can vary between cases, companies and jurisdictions, similar to the role of an architect. The role and service provided also depends on the construction stage that expertise is sought. However, the overarching role of a forensic architect is to provide an independent, unbiased, expert opinion on an alleged defect or non-compliance involving a property.

What is an Architect and What Do They Do?

What is an Architect and What Do They Do?

An architect is a qualified, registered professional. Their role is to design, support, manage and advise in the procurement of built environment projects. This broad position covers aesthetic design, technical construction, construction law, planning policy, project management and budgeting.

Movement in Structures and Facades

Link Bridge in Central London

Accommodating Movement in Structures & Facades is vital due to factors like deflection criteria & joint provision for structural integrity.

Shortcomings in Flood Risk Management for New Developments

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the Government’s planning policies for England. It states that development in areas at risk of flooding should be avoided by directing development away from areas at highest risk.

Reliable Adhesive Joints – Success Without the Stress!

Reliable Adhesive Joints

Product designers are often faced with complex requirements when considering how to join components together, such as aesthetics, weight saving or part-count reduction. Adhesive technologies provide a compelling solution, especially in cases where traditional mechanical fasteners (e.g. rivets or screws) are less suitable. Unfortunately, confidence in adhesive technologies can often be low, particularly in cases where joint failure could cause damage or injury.

Too Hot! Keep your Cool with Part O

In an effort to mitigate the effects of climate change, the government published Approved Document Part O, which provides guidance for complying with the new Part O of the Building Regulations.

Investigating Fires Involving Biomass Boilers

Biomass is the use of organic matter as a fuel, used since people first burnt wood to cook food and keep warm. More recently, it has been part of a drive for using renewable energy sources to fuel our homes and businesses, rather than fossil fuels.