Modern Slavery Policy

The Company (Hawkins) has a reputation for conducting its activities in a responsible manner. It is one of the key factors essential for the continued success of the Company that the impartial and ethical principles existing within the organisation and the relevant government regulations are always adhered to.
The Company prohibits the solicitation and facilitation of any type of modern slavery and human trafficking by its employees, or agents (partners or suppliers) to or from any external organisations or individuals. The Company is fully committed to preventing and reporting any violation to this policy and will not support or deal with any business knowingly involved in slavery or human trafficking as described in Modern Slavery Act 2015.

The key identified risks are as follows:

The risk of modern slavery within Hawkins operations is very low. However, to minimise the existing risks we thoroughly check that all of Hawkins’ employees have the right to work in the country of appointment and are paid at or above the (local) national minimum wage. The same diligence is applied to our subcontractors and suppliers to ensure that any (agency or hired) staff are similarly checked by their respective employer and that no bonded labour is used for Hawkins’ business.
It is the responsibility of all staff to maintain the integrity and ethical behaviour of the Company. If there is any doubt as to the nature of an activity, then the activity should be reported to the HR Director who will review the matter with members of the Board and take necessary action. In the absence of the HR Director other board members should be approached to report any such violation.

To reduce the risk relating to this policy the Company will: