Celebrating 10 Years with Hawkins

We would like to congratulate two of our hardworking employees on their work anniversaries and commitment to Hawkins over the past ten years.

Louise Eaton is part of our Birmingham Office Team, and has enjoyed many years of supporting our investigators through varied instructions and casework. Louise says, “In terms of my experience, there is no ‘weird’ or ‘strange’ in this place. Anything and everything can be, and is, investigated!

Louise at the annual Company Meeting in 2015

Dr Sophie Parsons has spent her ten years at Hawkins between our Hong Kong and London offices. Sophie investigates materials failure cases and corrosion incidents, in both the marine and land-based sectors. Sophie specialises in incidents involving the liquefaction of metal ores, as well as incidents of cargo and hull damage.

Sophie says, “I cannot believe it has been ten years, but they have been fun. The best way to learn is through play, and this facilitates exponential learning in environments where you get to roll around in dirt, cargo, rust and stagnant water. That may not sound enticing to most, but ask any kid if they enjoy jumping in puddles and the answer is a simple yes. Adults are not much different, and this job provides insight into the most bizarre and fascinating scenarios that are as challenging as they are enjoyable. Forensic engineering is quite simply, fantastic, and I could not see myself doing anything else.”

Sophie during a few of her many marine incident investigations overseas

We would like to thank both Louise and Sophie for all of their efforts and ideas over the years, which have helped in countless investigations.

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