The exposure of partially-restrained steel connections to the full heating-cooling cycle of a fire event results in a reduction in strength, which constitutes one of the crucial factors in assessing their structural performance post-fire exposure.
Civil Engineer, Dr Ahmad El Ghor, has authored a paper that proposes a methodology for investigating the post-fire response of bolted top and seat angle connections, which are widely used in steel buildings. His paper, titled ‘Post-Fire Response of Partially Restrained Connections: Methodology and Application on Top & Seat Angles’ has recently been published in the leading research journal, Fire Technology.
The methodology consists of two main parts. First, the development of a finite element (FE) beam-to-column connection designed to survive a fire event. The goal is to compute the post-fire thermal axial forces while varying different geometric and load parameters that impact the connection behaviour. Secondly, the computed post-fire thermal axial force, along with the post-fire mechanical properties, is used to develop FE component connection models, which are then subjected to loading until failure.
This non-linear, FE-analysis methodology represents a significant step in assessing the remaining capacity of steel connections post-fire. It offers preliminary data to support the development of design guidelines for engineers assessing the need for replacement or repair of structural members after a fire.
Ahmad has been published in several highly ranked journals and peer-reviewed publications, such as Journal of Constructional Steel Research (Elsevier), Fire Safety Journal (Elsevier), Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), and Journal of Material in Civil Engineering (ASCE). His work has also been presented at conferences in the United States including Structures in Fire (SiF), Structure Congress (ASCE), and Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI -ASCE).
At Hawkins, Ahmad investigates structural failures and glass damage, and can undertake post-fire structural assessments and fire modelling. Structures he has investigated include buildings, carparks, warehouses, silos, pylons and chimneys.
If you have experienced a loss as a result of a fire or structural failure and would like Hawkins to investigate, please get in touch.