Hawkins’ Materials Expert Speaks at Ipswich CII Virtual Conference

Materials, Chemistry & Biology

On Wednesday 27th October, Dr Christabel Fitzpatrick of Hawkins’ Cambridge Office was a speaker at a virtual conference held by The Chartered Insurance Institute of Ipswich, Suffolk and North Essex. Christabel reports that the conference was a great opportunity for interesting discussions, and was another example of our experts presenting topics they’re passionate about.

Christabel’s session Materials Failures: What Can Go Wrong? was part of a programme that included 2 technical sessions, 1 panel discussion and a keynote speaker. Her talk covered a broad range of material types including plastics, metals, and glass, as well as the range of claims these failures can lead to, including personal injuries, escapes of water and damage to property. This talk was also part of our series of webinars delivered by Hawkins Cambridge, and if you would like to view it, you can watch an earlier recording of the presentation here.

Please also contact us if you are interested in booking any of our experts for an upcoming speaking engagement at your event.

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