When you think about painting structures, you might think about the Forth Bridge in Edinburgh, which until recently, was famously being repainted from one end to the other, in a continuous loop. The reason for the constant hive of activity was that the paint was constantly flaking off, allowing the underlying steel to become exposed to the rain and sea spray, the perfect environment for corrosion. Recent coating technologies and formulation of an epoxy glass-flake paint (which is much more durable to the environment and the stresses the bridge is under) have meant that this mammoth painting task now only needs to be conducted every 25 years.
Materials Expert, Dr Eleanor Jay, is featured in January’s issue of the Marine Insurer Journal, where her article ‘You Can Leave Your Coat On’ explains the science of coating structures, such as a steel bridge, to protect them from corrosion. Her article highlights why coatings can fail, and how a materials expert would examine the corroded surface to identify why the failure has occurred.
Elly explains that in shipping, corrosion damage can be a significant factor in insurance claims, as the repair of an existing vessel can be extremely expensive, perhaps even entailing lost shipping time if a vessel needs to be at a dry dock for many months to accommodate the coating repairs. Therefore, the need for proper specification and application of coatings to prevent failures, so ensuring the longevity of vessels, is of critical importance. Elly’s article can be read in full on page 47 of the Maine Insurer Journal.
Dr Eleanor Jay is a materials science and engineering expert specialising in materials failures, escapes of water and oil, and mechanical and engineering failures. She has provided expertise related to materials science & metallurgy, failure modes in metals, structural integrity and continuity of fire-damaged structures in cases worldwide. She has also published conference and journal papers on her academic research and on topics supporting her involvement in the energy and nuclear fuel industries.
If you have encountered a failure and need the help of a materials expert to investigate the root cause, contact us today for a free consultation.