E-Scooters are a common sight, particularly around cities and other urban areas. However, the question remains: are they a convenient micro-mobility solution or a scourge on the roads? Given the lack of rider protection and the relatively small size of the vehicle, e-scooter riders could be considered vulnerable road users; but are they themselves blameless?
Chartered Mechanical Engineer and Collision Reconstruction Expert, Gavin Dunn, was featured in the Your Expert Witness publication with his latest article ‘E-scooter: Understanding the Risks and the Law’. He discusses the statistics surrounding e-scooter collisions, their position under the law and how they should be used, with a look at some of the restrictions and guidelines implemented by the government to ensure their safe usage. Gavin explains that e-scooters are defined as ‘motor vehicles’ under the Road Traffic Act 1988 and that the legal position of their use depends on whether they are privately owned or part of an approved government trial running in certain areas.
Gavin’s full article can be read in Issue No. 69 of Your Expert Witness.
Gavin is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer, Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and Member of the Institute of Traffic Accident Investigators. He has over 14 years of experience investigating all types of Road Traffic Collisions (RTC) from pedestrians to HGVs and has appeared as an expert witness in numerous criminal, civil and coroners’ courts, and undertakes investigations throughout the UK and Ireland.
If you would like Gavin, or another one of our RTC experts to write an article, present, or investigate a case for your organisation, please get in touch.