Niralee Casson Stands in the RIBA Council (London) Elections

Niralee RIBA News Image

Hawkins are delighted to announce that our forensic architect Niralee Casson, is standing in the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) elections for a London Regional seat on the RIBA Council.

The RIBA is a global professional membership body originally founded to help the advancement of architecture. Its purpose is to serve architects and society to support the delivery of better buildings and places, strong communities, and a sustainable environment. The RIBA Council acts as the representative body for RIBA Members and is responsible for collecting insight from the profession to guide the strategic direction of the RIBA.

Niralee has chosen to stand in this election to share her insight and experience as a forensic architect working on architect’s liability claims with professional indemnity insurers – the other side of the coin from many RIBA Members. Niralee explains that the RIBA already provides support and resources on a vast array of topics[1] and that she would like to see this reputation increase to being the first port of call when challenges arise. 

Her election statement highlights how she would like to add value and make a difference if appointed:

If elected, I would use my experience as a forensic architect[2] to promote awareness and knowledge sharing regarding:

> common pitfalls leading to claims and disputes;
>  learning outcomes from successful claims against architects; and
> steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of a claim.

The aim: upskilling our profession and providing respite from the rain one practice, problem or person at a time.

Niralee holds a bachelor’s degree in law and is a qualified Architect. Her background in both architecture and law led her to become a Forensic Architect with Hawkins where she has provided expertise in many cases involving the performance of architect duties. This has given her first-hand experience of the issues which can lead to claims and disputes and how these can be avoided. Ballot papers will be sent via email on 19 June to all eligible RIBA Members and we wish Niralee the best of luck.

[1] Current articles include parenting, diversification into other sectors, utilising project analysis data and preparation for the role of Principal Designer.
[2] The provision of expert opinion in construction disputes and claims.

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